We decided as a group that the product box would display different colours on the top front of it, as the message we aim to give out to our target audience is that the product 'Rainbow' will get rid of all stains on different materials and colours. In the advert we would include a group of friends all going out and wearing their own different individual colours of the rainbow. When they return home to their uni dorms, they think that they have to wash all of their clothes separately, causing arguments within the household about who is going to wash their clothes first. A very attractive guy then walks in with our rainbow product and offers it to them to use, explaining that they can wash their clothing together in one wash because of what our product includes.
This is an example of the kind of girls This is an example of the kind of male in which we could
we would like to use in our advert. Celebrities would be incorporate into our advert.preferred, however our budget may not permit
us to do so, thus we will use attractive young
The product box for 'Sniff' would be a white box with the logo on it. The colours will come from the writing and the logo on the product. The advert would consist of males/females in the club drinking/eating. Suddenly something is spilt on white shirt. someone in the group pulls our product and says 'don't worry, i got sniff' then they're all like 'nooo, we don't do drugs!' 'no, this makes your whites whiter than the whites in the white line!' *cutaway* to animation of T-shirt and washing powder in washing machine. then cuts back to him in clean white shirt.
This is an example taken from the Persil 'Small and Mighty' advert, which shows an animated diagram of how the product will remove stains and what is included in the product. This is what our group aim to include in our adverts to show our target audience what makes our product stand out from the rest.
The product box for 'Clearz' would be an orange box that has a clear window on the front of it so that the customers can see the powder inside the box. a coloured circle logo will be used as a logo on the front of the box also. Our rough idea of the advert is as follows:
Concert is about to start; everyone is wearing different outfits. One girl in particular is critisised for what she is wearing. Concert starts and celebrity begins to sing. Suddenly stops singing, crowed become curious. Camera then follows his eyes to see where he is looking and camera focuses on the girl that was being critisised, as the celebrity notices that her clothes are cleaner and brighter than everyone else's in the crowed.
Eyes of celeb and main girl connect, which is when a cutaway to a brief picture description of our product occurs.
'Cupid's Chokehold' sung by Gym Class Heroes, is an example of the connection in which we will attempt to make with the celebrity on stage and the girl in our advert. The girl will be made to look no more than ordinary compared to everyone else around her, and in the celebrities eyes, the spotlight will be on her.
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